Benefit Raffle
for the Association for Historical Fencing
Saturday, March 22, 2025
4:00 pm
This year's Classical Fencing Open Tournament will feature a raffle in support of the Association for Historical Fencing. Please consider membership in the AHF, a non-profit organization, which was created to advance the knowledge of both Classical and Historical Fencing. This tournament would not be possible without the support of the AHF. Click here to join the AHF.
The following prizes will be raffled at the end of the tournament:
THREE fencing gloves — $75 value ($25 each)
THREE Palm Beach Classical Fencing t-shirts — $75 value ($25 each)
10 minute private plastron lesson with Maestro during Sunday class — $20 value
One hour private lesson with Instructor Moser — $70 value
Package of 4 group fencing classes at Palm Beach Classical Fencing — $100 value
Other prizes (TBD)

Raffle Rules
- AHF members are eligible to receive 5 free raffle tickets. Please see raffle coordinator Kelley Poling during the tournament to pick up your tickets. You must pick up your free tickets between 9 am and 4 pm, before the start of the raffle (approximately 4 pm), otherwise they will be forfeited. Membership must be paid no later than 4 pm on Saturday, March 22nd. Click here to join the AHF.
- Anybody (whether or not an AHF member) may purchase additional raffle tickets at $10/each between 9 am and 4 pm. The cost of the ticket(s) is tax deductible.
- Payment methods accepted on-site for additional raffle tickets: cash or check payable to the Association for Historical Fencing. Sorry, no credit cards accepted on-site.
- The raffle will be held at the end of the tournament, at approximately 4 pm.
- You must be present at the drawing to win!